I'd like to share some of the 73,658 spam messages I've received..
From: "Norris Joiner" <cpfhuniqvq@yahoo.com>
Date: 2005-06-26 15:45:18
Subject: Revolutionary Sex Pills h7

Subject: Are These Shares Poised for a Run?

From: "Shauna Grayson" <HLGAUEOSWCLNNT@hotmail.com>
Date: 2005-12-30 12:43:37
Subject: You Won't Regret 2i

Subject: trainman cube econometrica bloop baccarat nigeria suffix inquest eohippus newspaper nobelium solicitous define airline metalloid together

From: "Odessa Tidwell" <odessa.tidwelljt@msi.com.tw>
Date: 2004-11-29 18:53:26
Subject: customers agree they are great

Gimme another random serving, please


Just the most recent additions


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try yr luck!